I'm in love...with this candy bar!!!
Thursday, Feb. 10, 2005 - 5:28 pm

I'm in love .. with this candy bar. I've never heard of it before. My mom brought it home from work and told me to eat it. It was a "limited edition, Hershey's Nut Lovers. It's the shit!! A blend of pecan, peanut, and almond. Wow.. I'm in heaven...

Anyway- Today was odd. I woke up this morning, but felt so bad a couldn't talk myself into getting out of bed. Jay ot up and took care of Jessica. My mom helped him though. I didn't get out of bed untill almost three this afternoon. Turns out I started my period .. for the second time this month. It really sucks ass. I think I'm going to go to a GYN. I need to get on back on birthcontrol anyway.

Mom is in my bedroom rearranging my furniture. She started by just cleaning my room for me because I didn't feel good. She said that being on a clean bed, in a clean room would make me feel better.

Sebastian missed his bus today so he had to walk home in the snow. It's a 40 minute walk. Mom said he stopped by here to warm up, but I was in bed. I hate that I missed him. But oh well, I'll just call him or something.

But I'm done for tonight...

Love you rosa jane.. I wrote you a letter, I just have to find the time to send it.
