I am so anticipating this appointment..
Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2005 - 5:27 pm

������I told Jay about Peanut last night. I figured that he could get through to him better than I could. It's Jay's "friend" anyway. Oh and there was a reck at the corner of my street last night. No one was hurt too bad. Two underage girls stole a car from one of their mothers, drove out of state, past curfew, no licsence, no insurance, ran a stop sign, and hit a car. Man is she fucked. The person they hit was in a black sunfire, and the passenger was a chick that was at Sebastian's party. Not the skanky bitches, but another.

������I have to take Boomer to the vet soon. Remember how I said that he broke his tail? Well, I caught him licking it this morning, and decided to take a closer look. There are two deep wounds near the middle of his tail. One of them was pussing pretty bad. I cleaned it the best I could, but I do still want to take him to the vet. I'll most likely talk my dad into it. I don't have the money for that stuff right now.

������I'm pretty pissed at Kristin right now. She's loaning out my things to people I don't even know that well. People that she was talking shit about the other day. Stupid Bitch. We went to their house last night to chill with them, and they just lied right to our faces about the whole issue. I hate people who lie. Ughh!

������Anyway- I still haven't mailed rosa jane's card to her. I feel so bad about that. Sorry girl!

������I called Child Advocate today. They want me to file for child support, but I don't want to. I also found out that it's not necessary because I'm not recieving any benefits from the DHHR. Renee has a medical card, but that's not enough grounds to make me file for it. However, I am setting up an appointment with my case worker to go and talk through all my options. If I can get HUD, and a medical card for me then my ass will be filing for child support. I might even get spunky and intercept Jay's tax returns. He deserves it anyway. All he does is spend his money on bullshit. If I can get HUD, I'm out of this house. Boy, I'm so anticiapting this appointment. But, who knows?

������I finally decided to make a cast list, and a bio page for my diary. Are you proud? I am. I do need to fix the looks of my cast list though. Everything is sort of bunched together. I think it's hard to read. That'll come later. Renee is napping, and everyone is at work. I think I'll go do something for myself for once. Bubble bath, here I come!! I love you rosa jane.
