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2004-12-08 - 7:57 p.m.

So..let me tell you about my friend..
Her name is rosa jane. She's the best .. there's only one little problem: WE CAN"T SEE EACOTHER!!! It pisses me off so bad. I miss her so much .. I feel like a fool for missing her so much. The sad part about it is that neither one of us are the same without eachother. We used to be eachother's better half .. and now we're nothing. One day we'll hang out again. The day she turns 18, I'm pulling into her driveway, honking my horn, and taking her away with me(if she still even lives there).

Screw her parents, and I'll tell them both to kiss my ass. They think I'm the most horrible person in the world, a nobody. Well.. there's is coming, beleive me, it's coming. They're in for a rude awakening, that's all I can say....

Rosa, girl, you're the best.. I don't know what I would do if I ever lost touch with you. I know we can't exactly hang out now, but that doesn't change how I feel about you. I can't wait till Feb. 2007 .. I love you chick!
