My Issue
Friday, Feb. 04, 2005 - 7:27 pm

I don't guess I really want to tell you about my day today, but I will anway. Only because I have no one else to tell this to, and I really don't want to discuss the issue with my mom.

Last night one of Jay's friends, Peanut, got dumped by his fiance. She left with all of her things, and her baby. I felt really sorry for him, so I decided that he could spend the day with me and Jay. Well, this dumbass guy decided to take a bunch of Zannies and Loratabs. He got all sick and stuff so we ended up staying the night at his place to make sure he didn't die in his sleep. Well, me and Jay ended up fucking half the night. It was the greatest sex ever. With Jay, sex just gets better every time. But anyway we fucked, which brings me to my issue.

I spent half the day today at The clinic in Matoka. I had to get the morning after pill. Which made Jay one and a half hours late for work. He bitched the entire way back into Princeton. But that's okay, because he did call and appolagize afterward.

But hey, I need to go to the restroom...

Love you rosa jane... I promise I'll write you a letter.
