*B�ck Off B�tch�z!!!!!!*
Saturday, Feb. 05, 2005 - 6:09 pm

Today is diary entry number the 33rd.
I stayed up late last night, and got up early this morning. This seems to be developing into a habit for me.
Everyone had to be at work early today. Jay left at 10:00 am, and Mom at 12:30pm. And this really sucks because I've been stuck here all day by myself. No one gets home until 9:00 tonight. Jay at 11:00.

Wow, today has been so boring. I took little Renee's basinette ( <-- Can't spell..) in the kitchen so she could watch me wash bottles.

I meant to write earlier today, but I guess I got caught up in all my boredom. Autumn called. We talked for a while about abortions, and our boyfriends. Not that the two have anything to do with eachother. Anyway- She thinks she's pregnant. Not only her, Amber too. Neither of them started their "monthly cycle" in January, or Febuary for that matter. I hope they're not. Two words: Birthcontrol & Condoms. Both of them together are pretty effective, but what do I know?

I wrote Mary Beth a letter last night. It's kind of bitchy. Part of it is dedicated to Peanut's ex- fiance. I'm still contemplating whether or not I should drop it in the box down the street. I probably should, but then again, probably won't. Don't you hate how those things happen? I do.

Jay called and told me about two girls flirting with him on one of his runs. They took his picture and then realized he was my man. Needless to say they backed off pretty quick. And they were pretty smart for doing so, because I'm still pissed at the world. Everyone knows that I'm not putting up with shit at this point in time. So Back off Bitchez!!! Just joking....

I wish I had the courage to make this my sex diary. I have the best sex in the world, and I think everybody deserves to know about it. But, I'm just too shy! Hmmm .. should I? I think not.....

I love you rosa jane.. I really miss the talks. Please Come Back!!!!!!!!!!
