<--- How childish<---
Tuesday, Feb. 08, 2005 - 4:53 pm

I'm currently re-organizing Renee's nursery. She has so much stuff. It kind of reminds me of my room in a way. She has SO MANY CLOTHES. Just like her mommy! =) I think I'll go through them all and give away the ones she's not going to wear. My baby girl only wears the cute shit.

I can't wait until her pageant. It's the 16th. She's so flipping cute. I know she'll place in something. Picture it, we'll walk in, and they'll say, "Stop the contest!There's the winner!!!!"

Anyway- I got a new cell today. My other one malfunctioned. The company wouldn't fix it. Said it had water damage. Hmm, I think I would no if I had dropped the damn thing in water somewhere. This new phone costed $150 big ones. But who cares? Papa Bear paid for it.

And speaking of him, I think he cheated my mom on her tax returns. I looked it up. It says that if you make less than like 11,000 for that year, and claim two children on you return, then you should get back a manditory $4,300 for those two children. That's not even including the $800 my mom got back from her W2's. So that's like $5,100 she's supposed to get back, but he said she'll only get a check for $3,400. I told her to get a copy of the paper work back from him and have someone check it out. But who knows?

But anyway I have things to do.. Btw my number was changed to, but that's for me to know and you to find out <-- How childish...=)

I'm out.. I love you rosa jane .. I miss you a little, I guess you could say, a little too much, a little too often, a little more everyday.
