Don't waste your energy reading this one.. it bites....
Sunday, Jan. 08, 2006 - 5:47 am

Oh my .. I haven't updated since last year? Holy crap. I'm sorry ..

Well.. my New Years was cool. I threw a little party thing over here. We got really drunk, and listened to really loud music and all that jazz.

I haven't really done that much in the past couple of weeks. I never really do that awefull much anymore. Cousin Tara's fiance, Josh got really drunk last night. (Off of liquor that was left over from my party thing. Wanna come get drunk with me??) And anyway- He knit-picked a little fight with her about the tv. CNN to be exact. He was watching about that accident in the mines. Well.. it was the last two minutes of the show, and she cut it off on him. Being drunk, he didn't take this very well, and started acting like a little kid. I found it all very amusing.. I giggled at him. She left, him here. Drunk. And needless to say.. he eventually fell asleep. Then stumbled from the couch into my very comfortable tempur pedic bed. With the lights still on. I turned them out for him, being the kind drunk buddy that I am. Anyway- the point is, Jay just now took him home, because he woke up and realized that he needed to get his butt home. See, Cousin Tara is going to KY today in about 2 hours to visit her Mom in prison. She hasn't seen her Mom in 5 years, so this is important to her. And Josh is supposed to be going with her, but he's being stubborn and saying that he won't leave the house for anything. That he's just going to go pass out.

That folks was the most entertainment that I've seen around here for well, a couple of weeks.

Man. I really suck at dland now a days. It's depressing really. I just can't sit down and do this repetitive anymore, and I don't know why. It really sucks guys. I'm sorry.. I bet nobody even reads this lame shit anymore.

Oh well.. I think I'll keep rambling.
Only for a minute or two though. Because I haven't went to bed yet, and I'm starting to feel a bit dilusional. (if that's even how you spell that.. I really shouldn't try to use big words when I'm this tired.)

I have to go to the DHHR Monday. Which sucks. And it's for a really gay reason too. Child Advocate is taking money out of my Dad's checks, but they're not putting it on the debit card. So basically my Dad's paying the gov. even more money than to begin with, what with taxes and all. Fuck the government. And fuck george w. Yeah fuck you!! And your so called cabinet. Anyway- So, since my Mom is too, I.don', to do it herself. I have to do it. Dad told me on the phone, " I don't care where the freaking money is going, as long as I'm not going to jail for not paying it. You need to call them and find out wtf is going on."

So, I'm going to go sit at that shit hole, with all those fucking moronic kids running around with snot flying, and those pathetic little pink slips with numbers on them.. and you sit there and wait for hours for them to call your number. So you decide to go smoke a cig, and you miss your call. Only to find out that "you'll need to get back in line and take another number." FUCK YOU!!!!

But yeah.. and if they don't give me an answer then I'm going to the courthouse and getting an emancipation card. Taking it to my Dad and telling him to shove his child support up his fucking ass. Yup...
I think I need to go now..

None of this made sense. My sincerest appologies. Really..

I love you rosa jane...... k bye
