I hate the fucking snow.
Friday, Mar. 04, 2005 - 2:45 pm

      Well I just read thedailywtf's latest entry. Funny shit man, funny shit.

      I don't really talk about my little one that much anymore, do I? Today, she deserves some discussion. After I fed her the afternoon 4 oz. bottle of Enfamil©, I had to wipe her mouth and burp her, right? Well, for some odd reason, while I as wiping the milk off of her face, I say, "yep, yep, yep!" Obviously this was the funniest thing in the world at the moment, because she giggled the loudest I've ever heard her giggle. So, naturally, I said it over and over and over again. Who wouldn't? She just laid there and laugher at me for about 5 minutes straight. It was so adorable. Now she's drifting off to sleep. It's about time for her 3 o'clock nap.

      Anyway- Jay is off getting paycheck cashed. He's taking me out tonight. I don't exactly know what we're doing, but oh well.

      My momma was looking out the kitchen window earlier, and saw a really pretty cat walking in the nieghbors yard. Well, of course I had to go rescue the little fucker from the cold. So, I get on shoes and grab the bag of cat food. Funny thing is, when I went out there to get the damn thing, out of nowhere, two a dog runs up on the porch. I hate dogs. I opened the door to get my ass back inside, and the bastard follows me in the door. OMG he stunk like ass. Straight up asshole. I get him back outside and go again to get the cat. Out of nowhere, another dog runs up on my porch. I'm like screw it, and go to get the cat. And then, step in a snowdrift, with no fucking socks on. Man was I pissed. I hate the fucking snow.

      Great! Fucking great! Jay just called me and informed me that I needed to be ready in like 10 minuts. Screw this, I'm taking my time. I guess, I'll get back later. Bye. Love you rosa jane. I wished you were here to do my hair. I always loved it when you did my hair. *sigh*
