Just another gay one.
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 - 6:15 pm

So, as you can all probably already see. I can't figure out how to fix my archives page. And I tried to e-mail dland to see if they'd help, but of course. They never replied. So it's stuck like that. Sorry bout it. Unless of course. Someone would like to be nice and help me themselves. I'll even give you my password...lol

Anyway- Nothing new. Different day same shit. You know how that goes.

I will update the Koby story soon. It's just a little nerve racking to think about it all now. But I need to get it out. So I will... soon.

It's all very fucked up.. but oh well.

I love you rosa jane. and that's usually my closing sentence so... Bye!! lol

xo -me..
