Mel rocks my socks<3
Saturday, Feb. 04, 2006 - 4:53 am

I haven't really got into that much lately. I mean, of course there's going to be atleast one exciting event to blog about. Shall I start?

I have a new friend. In here, I'll call her Mel. She's Jay's ex girlfriend's ex, if that makes any sense. Hmm.. anyway- Chick's awesome. To be honest, I've had a crush on her since the summer before last. I seen her at the drive-ins. She's got short hair, and she wears guy clothing. She's really hott.

So anyway- She came over yesterday and gave me and rosa jane a ride to wal*mart so rosa jane could get me some nose rings. (I lost my stud in the grass the other night). Well, she gets them, and then we go to pull out and I see Drew. He's my ex. He works there. Well, he also sells greenery. So, we stopped and I asked him if he was good. He said yeah, so I told him I'd get at him later. We leave wal*mart and go back to my house.

When we pull up, I notice that my landlord is there. And when we went inside, first thing she wanted was some green. So, since I forgot his number, Mel and me just head back up to wally world. When we get there we find out he's on his lunch, so we sit and wait. We were debating on leaving when I spotted him up by the front of the store. So, we pull up beside him, I put in my "order" only for him to tell me that he doesn't have any weights. So, Mel, me, and Drew head back to my house. this will make our third trip. Right? Because we have to take Drew back to work. And I must tell you. It's about an eight minute drive to wal*mart. One way.

Alright. So, Drew is do back at the store. but he packed a bowl and wanted to smoke it first. Well we can't smoke in Mel's car. So we me and Drew get out at the tourist center, and smoke at a picnic table. We caught up on good times.

So, I get the green back to my landlord, and then everyone's happy. Josh and rosa jane are watching Jessica for me. So, me and Mel head to East River Mtn to chill. And here's where the fun starts. Right? right. haha

I won't go into fabulous detail or anything. But let's just say.. this chick rocks my socks. And on that note.. I'm going to bed. And yes.. I do stay up this late (early.. however you look at it) on a regular.

Bye all .. and rosa jane, I love you <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
