Just another rant.. I have many..
Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2006 - 9:04 pm

It's been quite awhile since I've updated. I guess it's myspace. or maybe my laziness. Either way, I decided to say a little something today. I'm alone, (doesn't happen often) and I'm bored. So.. I may rant.

We were up late last night. So late, that I watched the news this morning at 5:30am. I don't think I actually fell asleep until almost 7 this morning. Renee was awake until atleast 4 am. So.. I wake up today around 4 :30 *pm*. Yes.. practically nighttime, I know. I wake Jay up, because he's expected at work by 5. He rolls over and says, "Shit. Can you hand me my phone?"

The phone rings at that exact second. It's Mel. She said, "Can you unlock your door, if it's locked?" So I got up and let her in. I was wearing a hoody, and panties. It wasn't that cold though. Pretty warm out today. So then she told me that she was going to a basketball game in fayette county with her friends. She left her car in my drive way, and rode with them. I gave her a pack of cigarettes with about 5 in it. She should be back to get her car in a little while.

Jay finished getting ready for work. We were about to spark a bowl, but the landlord showed up. So he put his shit back up, because if she knows we have green, she either tries to buy it all, or make us smoke it with her. So, he just put it up. Anyway- she had just got her prescription filled, and offered for Jay to buy a few of her 7.5 V's. Which always pisses me off a little bit. I hate that he does that shit to begin with.

My landlord is crazy. So basically we just go along with what she says. I ahte trying to explain shit to her. It's useless. So, she busts up a pill, and offers me a line. I say. "no thanks. I'm good." she just gives me this look, (quite intimidating). So I say, "alright, you talked me into it" And yes folks. I did it. Not exactly my cup of tea, but I was almost afriad no to. Painkillers make my stomache hurt. I don't like them. Offer me a muscle relaxer, or a nerve pill, and ok.. you got me. I'm a sucker for xanies. What can I say?

They both left. Jay to work, and God knows where she went. But it left me alone. I tend to chain smoke when I'm alone. But today, I've done good. I think I've only smoked three cigarettes today. When I'm threw with this, it'll be four. But then again, I've only been awake for a little over four hours.

Me and Jesse got into an argument on the phone. Petty shit. He came and made up for it on a delivery though. He got me high. Which is always nice. But he also left with me with 20 bucks to pay for his habit when my landlord returned. And she did. And forced abuot 3 more pian killers on me. Oh well. I may puke in a minute. I swear they tear me up. Really they do.

but I think I'm going to go catch that smoke. Bye all..

Love you rosa jane..
