Koby pt. 2
Monday, Apr. 04, 2005 - 10:19 pm

������Ok d*landers, I'm going to go ahead and update again tonight so you'll have something to read in the morning. Hence, I should be on the road by then. So, should I continue with my extremely long story??? I shall. You can see where we left off HERE

������I never thought about it all that much. But things started getting more suspicious. He was spending a lot of his free time with me. After work he'd come in, and pick fights with me. Playful fights. It was fun at first, because at home, I would hang out with my neighbors. they were two boys my age. We'd wrestle around on my trampoline, so I didn't see anything unusual about it. Neil would take me for little walks in the back yard. It was huge. My aunt had a little garden with ponds, flowers, and goldfish. She had a cute little bench, a walk way, and just a lot of things that were pretty to look at. Toward the back yard was a huge Weeping Willow Tree. It was beautiful. The branches were very thick, and they lightly touched the ground and would sway with the breeze. Under the willow looked like a room. You couldn't see the rest of the yard from the inside. The branches were too thick. I loved it.

������Behind the Willow was a swimming pool'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">swimming pool. It was about 5 feet deep in the middle. Not too big, but very relaxing. After all, Kentucky summers get very hot. The pool was surrounded by big rocks. Across the yard from the pool was a little storage building'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">storage building. My Uncle Jim put his things in there. You know, the usual dad things. Right beside the building was a patio. It was made of red bricks. It had lawn furniture on it. I loved sitting there. The patio was for the camper. It was a very nice camper. I stayed many nights in there.

������Jessy had asked me one night, if I'd be interested in baby sitting Michael for her. She and Neil were planning on going to the Boat together. The boat is like a casino I think, not very sure, I've never been there. They were going to be home late, so I was to make a night of it, and crash at their house in Critin County. It was about an hour drive, possibly more.

������This was the first time I ever went over there. It was the first time I stayed anywhere over night in KY. I was very excited. Jessy said she'd pay me thirty dollars for watching him.

������Baby sitting Michael was very pleasant. He is a very easy child to reason with, so I enjoyed myself alot. We watched about 5 episodes of Bob the Builder in his room. He showed me all of his favorite toys. I fixed him something to eat. I think it was Chef Boradee. Then he took a bath. it was funny because he had to show me how to turn the tub on. He's very smart. I think he was only 3 at the time.

������Neil's niece came over to give me some company while I was there. She was my age, give or take a few months. It was nice to have someone new to talk to that was my age. She only stayed for a couple of hours, but it was still nice. That was the first and last time I ever saw her. The whole time she was there we talked about Neil. She told me how awesome her favorite uncle was. She told me about how he took her and someone else somewhere. I think she said her brother, but it's been a while. I don't remember where she said he had taken her either. You'll find that I'm a little rusty on all the small details. The things coming are the only memories that really stick out in my mind.

������Anyway- I stayed over there almost every weekend. One day, Jessy did my hair really cute in rubber bands'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">rubber bands. You know that hair style that makes your hair look like a net? That's the one she gave me. I loved it. She did her hair that way too, and then we went to Eastland Mall in Evansville Indiana. We stopped at a resteraunt to eat first though.

������It's actullay funny because, while we were at that resteraunt, I noticed that my body was changing. I guess it was the beginning of puberty, but I don't know. I had to use the little girl's room, and while I was in there I couldn't help but stare at myself in the mirror. For the first time in my life, I had a figure. I just stood there for ten minutes, turning to look at my body from every angle possible.

������The food was really good, and after a full stomache we headed to the mall. I was school close shopping. Jessy helped me pick out some things. I got a couple of skirts. while we were there we went to the food court to get a beverage. There was this really cute guy behing the counter. Jessy ordered a Mountain Dew and I got a Dr. Pepper. The guy just stared at me. He handed us eachother's drinks, and then noticed that we had switched cups with eachother. It took him almost 30 seconds to get out the word's "I'm sorry." He was studdering so bad. Not because he had a speech problem, but because he was staring at me in complete awe. Jessy later pointed it out that he was checking me out, and so nervous because I was so pretty. That was the first time my appearance ever made some cute boy get all googley eyed.

������This is where I leave you again, so that you can wonder, "where the hell is she going with this extremely long story" Hah, I love it. It's almost like a soap opera. Leaving you wondering what the point of it all is. Don't worry people. There is a method to my madness. I love you rosa jane, I finally get to see you!! YAY!!!!
