Friday, Feb. 25, 2005 - 5:08 pm

Well, Peanut thought that he was going to come over here tonight. He just called. My mom answered and informed him that I was busy and didn't want to talk. He told her that he saw Jay's car going in and out of PJ's parking lot so he thought he'd go ahead and come on over. Huhh, like he has a snowball's chance in hell of getting in my pants. Pah-leeze. He's such an idiot. God, I was in Wally World yesterday picking up Renee's pictures. Well, the wall of the portrait studio is like half of a wall. So basically you can see over it when you're sitting in the waiting area. Jay decides that he's going to sit in a kid chair, therefor his head was the same height as the wall. Plus he had his back up against it. I look over, and there's Peanut walking by. He sees me and winks. Jay didn't see it because he was sitting so low. And when I told him, he didn't believe me. Then we later saw Peanut again walking by the check-out lines.

I'm freaked out by this. Everywhere I go I see that fucker. And then he's just going to invite himself to my house because he thinks Jay is at work. Hell NO!!!.. I can't take this shit..

Anyway, Sebastian called earlier. Then he got off the phone in 5 point 2 seconds because someone was knocking on his door. Oh well..

I finally bought postage to send rosa jane's letter, actually made it the the care center at Kroger to mail it, and then realized that I had no clue what the fucking address was that I was sending it to. I had left the friggin return address at home. Boy, did that make me happy. I felt like a blooming idiot. I'm so sorry rosa jane. I tried. I promise tomorrow. I have it stamped, addressed, and now all I have to do is put it in my mailbox in the morning. I will not forget. Mark my words.

But folks, I have a room to straighten up, and a shower to take. Adios Amigos.
I love you rosa jane. I promise, tomorrow.
