Fuck Ozz Fest this year
Wednesday, Apr. 13, 2005 - 10:18 am

So, my dad just stopped by to pick up my new phone that he brought me yesterday. Apparently he was supposed to take it to Ntelos to get it activated or something. Oh well, I'll have my cell back today people, AND it will be on!!

I miss rosa jane. Speaking of, girl, I decided not to go to Ozz Fest this year. I just would rather do something else. The bands aren't near as good as they were last year. Hell, the year before that was better too. BUT, I want you to go with me to a Green Day concert in Pittsburg next month. That will be much more fun. Sorry Heather and John, I'm stealing rosa jane for a while!! =P I was thinking, want to stay a weekend with me or something? You can just come home with us after the concert. You're mother would shit!! Call me.. jay's phone, ok?

Anyway- I'm loving my daughter today. She's been sleeping until 9:30 am. She sleeps almost 12 hours a night now. Isn't that awesome?? Yup.. AND, she's been holding her own bottle too. I LOVE IT. She's only 5 1/2 months. A smart one I tell ya.

This is for Heather T. Since, I know you read this, lol, how old is your baby, and why haven't you sent me some pics, or something? We really need to get together sometime. We can take the babies out shopping or whatever. My little Renee LOVES stroller rides. Seriously, consider it. Get at me! =)

Oh and for the rest of ya, I'm working on the next page of my extremely long story. I know, you've been waiting. I'll probably post it today sometime, so come back!!! hee hee. But for now, I'm out, got a baby to feed. Loves,

I love you rosa jane... so much!! =)
