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2004-12-30 - 6:58 p.m.

Ok, I know I've already wrote today's entry, but you have to hear this....

Me and Jay decided to go on a ride with Jessica this morning at like 9:30 am, and thank God we did because at 10 the police showed up at my house with a warrant for his arrest. And get this..the charge was RAPE. Yeah rape.... I went nuts. It's because of our age difference. On top of that the Child Protective Services showed up at the exact same time with "Suspiciosions that my little Jessica was in 'imment danger'." Turns out that some people at the highschool are saying that me and Jay are dealing them drugs. And one of them went to the Dept. of Health and Human Resources and told them that the "persons that occupy my house are my mom, my dad, me, Jay, and 'newborn'" All that is supposed to live here is me, my momma, and Jessica. Apparently the person who called them on me did not know shit about me. No. 1= My parents have been divorced for years now. and No.2= The person had no clue what Jessica's name was. They just said NEWBORN.

So my bedroom was completely torn apart by the police while I was in the other room being "cavity" searched (meaning they search EVERYWHERE.. I mean everywhere..), and I was also having to answer questions about Jessica, me, and Jay. Needless to say the caseworker looked in Jessica's bedroom and said there is NO WAY that my little girl is being mistreated. (If you seen her room, you would say the same.) She also said that this was an infact SAFE environment for for a baby to be in. And the police DID NOT find anything in my room that could incriminate me. They ARE NOT taking my baby. So... I hope you're happy whoever you are. You managed to stress my mom out to the point that she had to go to the hospital. They gave her valium to calm down. You made me and my whole family look like fools. My dad is pissed off at me because of this. And I am completely HUMILIATED. They searched everywhere. My room is torn all to hell. I have no TV or CD player now seeing as those are "good hiding places for drugs." THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH WHOEVER THE HELL YOU ARE!!!! Do you think any of my personal things will be replaced? NO!! Do you think that my mom will ever get over the fact that her whole house was torn apart? I THINK NOT!!!! Do you think my little girl will get over the fact that her daddy has to go to jail because he "raped" her mommmy? HELL NO!!!

The caseworker is coming back Monday afternoon to talk to me some more. And speaking of Monday. That's when I return to school. FUCKING PEACHY!!! So Who ever you are, you better hope and pray that Rachel Scott never finds out your name, because when she does, she's going to fuck your life up so bad that you'll wish you were dead. You sorry piece of shit, you had to go involve my litle girl in this. If you have beef with ME, come to ME. You've done fucked yourself now.


I have nothing more to say right now. I love you rosa jane....
