2005-01-08 - 2:46 p.m.

Last night when Jay got off work, we went to Wally World to buy a game and a memory card. We ended up buying two games, the memory card, a journal (for me...), and these really neat looking "on the go" pack of baby wipes.

We came home and played the PS2 all night. Literally. Then Jessica woke up at 3:30 am. It sucked. I had just fell asleep. But oh well.. She's more important to me than sleep is.

I'm really tired right now. I wished Jessica would take a little nap, but I know that she won't. She's teaching me a lesson. She's subliminally telling me not to stay up late and play video games anymore. I completely understand her point of view.. HaHa..

I'm bored.. I guess I'm going to go put my first poem in my new "journal" ...

Get at ya later... love you rosa jane .. (I'm really sorry about Jay..)
