*My Values*
2005-01-10 - 7:02 a.m.

Here is a list of my values..

My positive ones include:
�Helping others..
�Treating others as equals..
�physical courage..
�Moral courage, having courage of convictions..
�Being an individual, being yourself..
�Being agreeable, being liked..
�Being firm, respected..
�Relaxing, having a good time..
�Liking new things, new experiences..
�Liking old things..
�Intelligence, being an intellectual..
�Being practical, pragmatic..
�Money, material things, security..
�Family loyalty..

My more negative ones include:
�Obstinacy, stubborness..
�Egotism, pride, snobbery..
�Being a misfit, an eccentric, and egotist..
�Being a yes-man..
�Being a bully, a tyrant, an autocrat..
�Being irresponsible, hedonistic, shallow..
�Thrill seeking..
�Romantic, naive..
�Being a-stick-in-the-mud, a conservative..
�Chauvinism, fascism, narrow-mindedness..

Those are my values that I hold dear to my life right now. I know I need to work on a few, but I'm not too aweful worried about them at the present..

Anyway- Today should be fun. Last night I stayed up again playing video games. Damn Grand Theft Auto!! Freaking game. I'm so tired. It's like 7:16 in the morning, and I'm bored. I guess I thought it would pass time to make an entry, but I'm typing entirely too fast. *blah*

I had really great sex last night. The best in a long time. That is another factor adding to my tiredness. But oh well .. It was still pretty nice. My and Jay haven't been that close for a while now. Yeah, it was nice...

I wished you could see my little Jessica right now. She's so beautiful. She's watching me type with her big, blue eyes. At least she's not mad right now. That's a good thing. My morning isn't really turning out to be as bad as I had anticipated it would be last night. Jay went to Hardee's and got me breakfast an hour ago. Bisquits and Gravy *yumm*...

I'm hoping Jessica will fall asleep so I can nap for a short while. She's so precious. I know she's tired. She's yawning and rubbing her eyes. Welp, there she floats, off to dream land. How sweet. I'll treasure her until the end of time. You were right Janie, she means the world to me. *Thanks for all the talks*

I guess I'll go for now since the little one's out. She's so freaking cute. I just had to take a picture of her. She has her hand just sitting on her little face. Anyway- Bye!! =)

I love you rosa jane (Thank you for the poem, it really means a lot!..)

Oh .. *future referrence* I will now call my little one Renee. Just for my diaryland entries. I don't know, just seems like the thing to do. --------Don't ask...
