2005-01-10 - 10:21 a.m.

Hey Guys!!! =P

Guess what?! I figured out the solution to getting ugly tarnishes and rust spots off of my jewelery, without spending money on crappy jewelery cleaning kits. The answer is salt and vinegar!!

You mix three parts salt with 1 part vinegar. (If in doubt, just make sure it's like a thick paste, not runny or dry. Find your happy medium!) Put your piece of jewelery in the palm of your hand and rub the paste into it with your fingers. Do it for your own desired amount of time. And what do you know .. It's clean!! Just like new.

This technique works on ANY piece of jewelery. The type of precious metal makes no difference. It even works on fake jewelery. You know, out of the bubble gum machine! It won't scratch or damage the piece, only make it look brand new. So don't ever worry about your favorite necklace, bracelet, or ring tarnishing or looking old and dirty. Even works on earings and pins!!

I have even bought some old, dirty looking, rusted jewelery from yardsales, took it home, cleaned it and discovered treasure. See most people don't realize the potential of their old pieces when they get tarnished, so they sell them in yardsales for CHEAP thinking that no one will buy them because they look worthless.. BUY THEM!! seriously. I have some mad cute shit now thanks to my salt and vinegar. So, go out there, find some jewelery, and clean it!! You never know what could happen!!

So ... how'd ya like my infomercial? Sounds gay, huh? I had to do it for a class and I just thought it would be funny if you read it too..

But seriously.. it works man..

I'm out .. Love you rosa jane!!=)
