-Jay's New Car-
2005-01-11 - 6:41 p.m.

Hmm ..
Today was alright. Jay finally bought his new car. It's an eclipse. I like it, but I wouldn't drive it. It's a stick. I can drive a stickshift, but I think it's entirely too much work when you have to switch gears every five seconds. Come on .. I like to joy ride, not labor ride..haha. But I am happy for him.

Right now, I am looking at two cars in the trading journal. A Couger and a Probe. They're both good cars, not too many miles on them, AND they're in *my* price range. I need a car pretty bad. That way I'll have an excuse to go get my liscence. But who knows.

On any note- My parents discussed the "moving" issue today. I think my dad wants to go with us. I think that he is falling in love with my mom again. They spend quite some time together now. When little Renee has doctor visits, they INSIST on taking her... together. I have no clue why. They took her last time and they want to take her tomorrow. (She's not sick or anything .. she just has to get a few more of her immunizations..) But, yeah, they want to take her together. AND they both say that it's like having their little Rachel all over again. That it's history repeating itself.

I really think that if we move that my parents will get back together. And that's fine with me, because I won't be living with them. Me and Jay are going to buy 5 acres of land and we're having a module home built on it .. brand new. My Aunt's Contracting business is going to hang all the sheetrock, put down all the floors, lay all the carpet, and paint everything. So it's really going to be affordable for us. Plus Jay already has a job there working in the computer business. That's what he's always wanted to do.

My life is really starting to come together now. I'm beginning to be happy again. Moving is going to be the best thing for me and my daughter. She's going to grow up in a loving environment with no one to harass us anymore. I thank the person who tried to ruin me. In all reality, they just opened my eyes and made me realize that there is better out there. I just have to stop waiting on it to come to me. I have to go after it, and that's exactly what I am doing. So again, *Thank You*.

Jay is starting to have second thoughts about everything, but that's okay. It's natural. We're going to take a vacation to my dream place soon. We'll be staying for 2 weeks. I know that he'll fall in love with this place. I just know it.

My best.friend.in.the.entire.world is trying out for madrigals or magicals one. I couldn't understnad her because we were on cell phones. But either way, I wish her all the luck in the world! *Love You* She sings like an angel. I really miss hearing her sing. It's been so long. But it's ok, beacause in my heart, I remember. I always will. And one day I will get to be with her again. She will get to sing me all the songs in the world if she wants to, and no one will be able to hold her back. No one!! I can't wait.. *Feb.2007*

Well, I guess I'm going to go play the most addicting, stupid game in the entire universe. I hate that freaking game. I have to go play it. Bye! haha.
Love you rosa jane..
