The heater guy sucks balls.....
2005-01-14 - 5:59 p.m.

Today if Friday. I'm supposed to go see rosa jane tonight at our friend, misty's house. She hasn't called me today. I really miss her. I can't wait to see her tonight. I'm so bored.

I haven't talked to rosa jane in a couple days now. She hasn't wrote in her diary in a long time now. I used to look foward to reading it everyday, but oh well. I guess she doesn't have time to write as often as I do.

Anyway- My mom is having problems with the guy who came and put Central Air Heating in our house. There is like this smell that comes out of the vents that is just aweful. It smells exactly like, wet, dirty dogs. And we think he dampered the vent in my bedroom too much, because barely any hot air comes out, and my room gets really flippin cold. We've tried getting ahold of him for a while now to come fix it, but he won't answer or return our calls. He knocked a huge hole in the side of my house to put the vents in and he never closed it back up. We had to go buy insulation and stuff it in there so our water pipes wouldn't freeze and burst. We payed him almost $3,500 for everything he did, and now it's starting to suck balls. He really needs to do his job right, and come fix this crap.

But I do have good news. My mom gave me a car the other night. It's a black beretta. 5-speed. I like it. Hey, it's a car, right? So, now I have en excuse to get my liscence.

I guess I'm going to go try to call rosa jane. Maybe I'll get through this time.

Bye everyone .. love you rosa jane.
