-I'm such the romantic-
2005-01-16 - 1:53 p.m.

Here we go folks! It's going to be a whirlwind romance between me and the keyboard.

I had some scary shit happen to me this afternoon. Okay, so I try calling rosa jane this morning to see how church went today. (they get out semi-early..) No one answers. So I was like, cool, they're still in church. She'll call me back later. Well .. oh, say, an hour or two later I get a call from who I thought would be rosa jane. I answer.

me: "Hello?"

"Who is this?!" *in mean sounding voice*

me: "Who's this?"

"yeah .. who is this??" *still in mean voice*

(I freaked. To the best of my knowledge, this was rosa jane's papa bear, and he was pissed. So, my first instinct was to just hang-up.Which, I probably would have normaly done, but I knew that it would just look completely obvious. He would most-likely take away her phone if he knew we were talking again. So I decide to just play dumb.)

me:"Well, this is Rachel Scott. And who might this be?"

"How did you get this number?!" (mean voice still in play)

me: "well, actually, this morning I noticed this number on my missed calls list. I simply called back to find out who called me and what they needed."

(in a much nicer tone..)"Oh, well in that case, this is Earl. Sorry about the mix up, have a nice one." *hangs up phone*

me: *big SIGH of relief*

So I immediately look at my dialed numbers list to find out that I had mixed up the last two digits of rosa jane's number, and it wasn't her dad at all. I was so relieved. But it stressed me out so bad. I had to go smoke a cigarette. I hate it when I do that crap to myself. I'm going to cause myself an ulser one day.

Well, that was my romantic experience with my keyboard. I think I'm finished for now. I love you rosa jane. (that was too close, huh?..)
