I am just anticipating it now *YUMMMM*...
2005-01-21 - 3:54 p.m.

Today was fun. I had to get up this morning and go to my WIC appointment. It was for a nutrition class at 10:00 a.m. That was the biggest joke in the world! The lady just threw papers at me, told me that I could go, and printed my drafts. I was in and out in five minutes, no joke. Then, Jay took me to the psycadelic dreams. I bought this mad cute, tiny, pink bong. I'm not going to smoke out of it though. He bought it for me because I accidentally broke my glass piece. I'm going to start collecting pieces and bongs. They're really pretty. After that, we headed to Wally World, and I got some fabric glue for a special craft, some turtle food(gotta feed the babies!..), and a code red.

I got really dressed up today. I actually put on make-up and fixed my hair. That's something I haven't done but one time since my little Renee was born.

I seen one of my ex's, Drew. He was standing with some guys in the electronics section of walmart. He seen me and seemed to turn his head with a shameful look on his face. I wonder why he didn't say hey or anything. We're not on bad terms or anything so it kind of surprized me. He's changed quite drastically since I seen him last. But who cares, you know?

My mother is in the other room making a pantry. She's so cute sometimes. I love her to death. Her little idea is turning out really pretty. She's also making a kick ass dinner for me. It's steak and salad with potatoes. *YUMMMMM* It smells so good. I'm just anticipating it right now. haha.

But hey.. there's someone knocking at the door. So I guess I'll get back to this later...

*seven and a half of an hour break*

So, I'm back. The person knocking was one of my mom's old old friends. She's been coming around more here lately because I had a baby and she wants to visit her. But, I mean, that's cool with me if Mom's okay with it. Her daughter gets on my nerves though. That is beside the point.

Have a great night. later..love you rosa jane (I hope you're alright..)
