Lovely Stye
2005-01-23 - 9:25 a.m.

I'm stuck indoors today. The snow is really harsh. I hope we'll be able to get out to go pick up my little Renee. Jay had to work on his car yesterday, so we took her to his granny's house in Tazewell. I miss her desperately.

Yesterday was cool, I guess. I went to JJ and Kristin's house simply because I didn't want to be stuck at the house by myself. They don't have cable so I ended up watching just about every movie Ben Stiller has ever starred in. I got so flippin sick of seeing him on the television. After a while I got pretty bored, so I went to the bathroom and put on my make-up. Which wasn't the brightest idea in the world, because now I have a stye. It's bugging me so bad.

Last night we got some 22's since we didn't have to get up early. Well, I thought we wouldn't have to gt up early. But as usual, I was wrong. Jay had the alarm set for 8:30 am so he could go work on his car again. I couldn't fall back asleep. This damn stye is bugging me to death!!!!

I think I'm going to go find some stye medicine in my little medicine droor. I'm sure that I have some.

I miss Renee so much. I need to hold her. Love you rosa jane....soon ... I'll hear from you again soon...
