"Leave me, I dare you!"
Monday, Feb. 21, 2005 - 7:59 am

������Well, good morning!=) Today was my turn to get up with the baby. I don't exactly know if I've been up for awhile, or if Renee just slept extra late today, but I'm loving this. I don't feel as much like shit as I do on regular days. She most-likely just needed to catch up on her sleep. See, a couple of nights ago, she stayed up super late. She didn't even close her eyes to go to sleep until 1:30 am. And she usually falls asleep anywhere between 6 - 9 pm. But on any note- I need to send my letter off today. I've so been procrastinating. I guess that's just what I do best, right?

������Little Renee is laying here just watching me type. She keeps dosing off, but then when I get up to go lay down, she wakes up and grunts at me. Almost as if she's saying, "Leave me, I dare you!" She's such the little princess. I just know that she's going to be the whiny/screamy type. What have I got myself into? haha. I just love her so much.

������I'll get back to this later people. ..rosa jane, I send you all my love.
