They were butt-ass naked, having a "contest"
Saturday, Feb. 19, 2005 - 6:28 pm

������So, I don't know if I told you or not, but Boomer was missing for three days. But it's cool, because he came back today. My dad called him a tomcat. I think he was out getting some ladies, but who knows? He's got a spot on his tail that he won't let me get near. He probably got into a fight with another cat. I feel sorry for him. Today, I gave him extra attention.

������And about last night, I actually slapped my Momma in the face. I didn't even realize what I was doing. That is so unlike me. And I ended up at Sebastian's house until four this morning. God, I'm so tired. I drank a little. Just some smirnoff. I did have a shot or two of MD 20/20. That shit is so good. It was the green kind though. My favorite is red. Hmmm, what next?

������Oh, All details come tomorrow... Let's talk about that, shall we? When Sebastian came over he brought BJ. And BJ was on my pc downloading music. Well, Joshua messaged me, so BJ took it upon himself to answer him. Somewhere in the conversation BJ tells Joshua that I'm "going to get some". He was trying to say that I was going to go fuck Sebastian. Which is not the case. But, I caught it, and ran over to the computer and typed, "diapers, going to get some diapers." You don't even know how pissed I was at BJ for that. I would never hurt Joshua like that. I just hope he's not upset. He hasn't talked to me since. Well, he talked to my mom last night. I was gone because, well, to be blunt about it, I got kicked out. So ever since the text message I recieved from Joshua, he hasn't talked to me. Probably because I didn't go home. And the funny thing is, last night sucked balls. I didn't even have a good time. I mean come on, I was forced to see some skank's ass and a little boys nuts. gross.
PAGE BREAK..haha, I just watched Renee dose in and out of her nap.. How cute!!

Plus, I was drunk and tired, but there was no freaking where to crash. 15 little motherfuckers and no where to sleep. So I just said Fuck this shit and left.

������I really hope Sebastian didn't end up fucking that one bitch. She was even more of a skank than NR. She was all talking about taking a bunch of Benadryl to get fucked up. How faggadelic is that??? Stupid bitchez...Oh, and let's get this straight. About a year or two ago, these same skanky girls were in a bathtub at this party. They were butt-ass naked, and were having a "contest". They were sucking water in their pussies, and seeing who could push it out the farthest. NR hit the wall on the other side of the room, and the other bitch (the one whom Sebastian may have fucked last night..) made it half way across the room. They did this several times to make sure that everyone at the party got to see.

������Anyway- I need to talk to Joshua. And tell him somethings. See, me and Jay broke up yesterday, due to too much ridicule, and him treating me like shit. I just don't want anyone to get their feelings hurt. God, I'm such the little drama queen. I doubt that I'll ever grow up. But then again, what fun is growing up??? =P

������Well, Later amigos, I love-love-love you rosa jane. Sorry for venting on you yesterday. I was just too sad. And you failed to call me.. again. But it's okay, I porgive you...<---in my little voice! ;)
