Her diaper was on backwards...
Saturday, Feb. 19, 2005 - 1:15 pm

Sorry I didn't write yesterday. Some crazy shit happened. Jay was an ass, as usual. It made everybody fued. It wasnt very fun. And me and my momma got into it so bad that I left.

I ended up at Sebastians house. Where everyone was there getting drunk, and I accidentally walked in on NR and some 14 year old little boy fucking. Bad thing is, NR is almost 20. Isn't that considered rape? But who cares? Anyway. I wanted to crash so bad, but there was no where to crash. It sucked. I ended up sleeping at Jay's grandparents house. I only slept for a couple of hours. Then had to wake up at 10:00 am to go get Renee. She stayed in Tazewell with her granny and grandad last night due to all the arguing. I was so happy to see her toothless smile this morning. She's still alseep in her carseat though. Man, she's been asleep for a minute.

Anyway. Joshua texted me at like 2 in the morning, telling me to go home before I did something that I'd regret. I thought my mom was still pissed at me, so I decided to stay out.

My Oma is pissed off at me. She's jealous because I won't let her keep Renee overnight. Man, she watched the baby for almost an hour one time while I was at the emergency room. When I came back to get her, I found that Oma had put her diaper on backwards, and it was way too tight. I just don't think she can handle it. She hasn't been around babies alot lately. And see, Jay's granny and grandad ALWAYS have babies at their house. So, they are kick ass sitters, you know?

But anyway.. life goes on..

I'll get back later... Love you rosa jane. I promise I'll send out your card today.
