She started crying hysterically.
Wednesday, Mar. 09, 2005 - 5:57 pm

������Have you ever sneezed and made your baby cry? I just did. And well, it's horrible. She was asleep, and I felt the urge to sneeze. It happened, and she started crying hysterically. Jay had to come in here and comfort her because when I picked her up she just screamed louder. I felt so bad that I went in the bedroom and cried my eyes out. Jay got her back to sleep, but I still feel like shit. I've never heard her cry that loud. And, it was my fault. Jay said that I need not to worry about things so little. The arm of my jacket is soaked. Soaked with tears and snot. How lovely. It's dry clean only too. Great.

������I love you rosa jane. I can't wait to see you.
