Princess and the Pea...asshat.
Wednesday, Mar. 16, 2005 - 9:20 am

������Take yesterday, rinse and repeat. This morning was ten times worse than yesterday. I couldn't believe it. Jay gets up with the baby. 5.2 seconds later, he busts through the bedroom door, and with the most smart-assy tone is voice says, "I can't do it. She doesn't like me anymore. Will you please help?" Ok, so the words are nice, but it's the tone that counts people. He's such an ass. We got into it worse than usual, and mom got up. This time she got up to do bottles, rather than get in the middle of our scrap, and make things a begillion times worse.

������Of course Jay is just going to automatically assume that she's getting into our argument again. So what does he do? He goes in the bedroom, get's his jeans, socks, shoes, and beanie on, grabs his keys, and phone, and states that he's leaving. I try to tell him that she's not trying to butt in, but he's not going to let an ounce of "bullshit" get through his think skull. Fucking retard.

������� I tried my best to talk him out of it, but he wouldn't listen to me. I asked him, I said, "Jay, tell me something. am I holding on to false hope? Do you love me? Don't sugar coat it at all. Just spill with it. Tell me how you honestly feel. You know, we're never going to be able to work through this if we don't love eachother." But that didn't work either. He leaves.

������ This all happened at the lovely hour of 4 o'clock am. Wonderful. Jay came back at 6:30, just to go crawl in bed. Apparently it's cold outside, and poor baby is tired. It's alright, let him sleep. Princesses need their beauty sleep after all, right? You know, I was honestly thinking about putting a pea under the mattress. Just to see if he'd bitch about it.

������But, guess what fuckwadd?? Momma's tired too. Guess who's getting up ..... right now?!?! Fuckface.

������Sorry, just had to bitch for a moment. Don't take it personally. I love you rosa jane. I'm nervous as all get out for you. PS- I'll write again today! =)
