Is this what I need?? Part 2
Monday, Mar. 07, 2005 - 2:40 pm

������Wow, ok, I just went back and read the comments for one of dukkha-tanha's entries. On there, Dawn commented: "I'll tell you what...I kind of messed up once and it was the biggest mistake I ever made. It almost broke me and my husband up and I'll NEVER do it again. I don't even know why I did it in the first place! But I look at it as a good thing, in a way, because now I know I'll never do it again. If I hadn't done it? The temptation would have always been there."

������That really makes me think about an entry I made a while back. You can see that one HERE. It kind of brings me back to what Jay said to me. He told me that the temptation would always be there, and that I should get it out of my system. That if I did pursue something with another guy, that I would know that Jay was the only one for me. He said that I wouldn't want to do it again, and I wouldn't be bothered with the temptations of it all.

������Jay is so confident in himself that he would let me be with somebody else to prove that he's the best for me. Do you think this is right? Please d*landers, I really need some advice on this one.
